Thursday, February 10, 2005

my computer crashed

This funny tune I recorded few years ago with Peter Beck while we were hanging out in Madams Organ, Adams Morgan. At the time I was playing with few musicians in DC area but studying for my IT exams as well--an obvious inspiration:-) Last night I had an idea to turn it into my first music video. I used some film footage from my recent trip to Argentina which I filtered in the movie maker. Thanks to a cool mix, my very good friend, Burak Bilgin. Here it is and I hope you like it.


Anonymous said...

at first i would like to write I like most of your music very much. My first contakt with that it was a year before in Doboj thanks to your brother Goran. We worked together in North Pole Barracks in Doboj. I served there as peacekeeper but I live in Poland. In general I must say - songs are very interesting and I listen to them very often. Greetings from Poland - Darek.

Anonymous said...

thank you darek. i am very happy to hear that you enjoy my music:). i hope to record more in the near future. my brother told me about you. i will let him know that you've connected with me. cheers, sini

Anonymous said...

Thank you for answer. I hope you'll run your new records here ASAP.I wait... Sie ma (SIE MA - the polish words means "take care"(youth slang))

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